Pardon my emotions through this post.
My last baby is ONE! Normally we should celebrate the firsts. I need to take a moment to be sad about my children's lasts.
Last time I will make a first birthday cake.
Last time I will have a one year old.
Last time I will let my cute one year old dig into his first birthday cake and think that it is so cute!!
It is not easy having a last.
But needless to say, we have a one year old and he is ready to celebrate!!!
Weston has been the happiest baby. He is so kind and loving. He gives the most loving hugs, and they are hugs that he gives with his whole heart. Head on your shoulder and squeeze. He is in love with his brothers and sister. Weston lights up when he sees his dad come into the room, almost as if he is screaming, "daddy, daddy look at me, I'm right here!!"
Daddy and Weston
Mommy and Weston
Weston was playing with Trapper and heard something going on. "Hey, what's going on guys?"
Early in the day as Phil and I were getting things ready for the party, Garrett comes running in saying that Porter is hurt. Phil comes in the house with Porter crying with blood all over his face. Porter was riding his scooter and hit a bump/crack in the sidewalk, I don't know where his hands were but they did not catch him in this fall. He totally face planted it and kissed the sidewalk. He looks really bad, poor boy.

Weston at the end of the night catching a ride with his cousin, Trevin.
Garrett took hitting the rocket a serious thing.
Well whether I like it or not I have my last one year old. He has a lot of lst that he will attempt here in the next little while and his mom will be in the back ground crying because she will be thinking this will be a last. :( On a Happy note because I feel you should always end a blog with a happy. This last children is such a joy. Phil said yesterday as he went into get weston out of bed that he didn't think that he wanted the fourth child but now can't imagine not having this cute boy. We love our Weston!!!