Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Porter The Monster

I have to share a quick story that I don't want to forget. Phil and I got some Jazz tickets so we took the kids down to my parents for the evening. According to my mom this is the story... Garrett is the type of person that gets very involved in what he is doing and has to have things a certain way. He was playing with the Lego's in my parents family room along with his brother and sister. My mom was in the bedroom and could hear Garrett getting frustrated with Porter. Before my mom could get out to see what was going on she looked down the hall to see Garrett carrying Porter around the waist and Lexi following close behind (supervising as my mom puts it) coming towards the bedroom. Garrett carries Porter into the bedroom, deposits him on the floor as Lexi is closing the door. Porter is left in the room wondering what just happened. He gets over it for a second because he has found something else that he might be able to destroy but then realizes that the true fun is out in the family room and he can't get out there. Porter looks at my mom and gives her a look like, "I just want to go play, I'll be nice, can you help me?" Being the sucker that she is, my mom opens the door for Porter. Before she is even able to get out in the hall Garrett from the family room yells, "We don't want him in here!!!"
Now look at this picture, you tell me if he looks like a monster that would drive his brother and sister crazy?

1 comment:

Stacey said...

He is so cute and that is the cutest story! Your kids are getting big fast! We will miss not seeing you guys this year for Thanksgiving!