Sunday, October 28, 2007

Annual Halloween Party

Porter is Clifford the big Red Dog. He didn't like this costume at first, but after getting told that he was so adorable about a million times, he decided that he liked it a lot.
Grandma and Grandpa are really good sports about getting all dressed up.
Grandpa, why didn't you dress up?
Josh, what ever happened to the good old days when kids wanted to dress up in something not so scary.
Here is our Hannah Montana, aka Amber holding her little cousin Kyler.
Phil is such a party pooper, he refused to dress up.
The cute Clan!!
Lexi (snow white), Kyler (Tiger), Amber (Hannah Montana), Lance (spiderman 1), Garrett (spiderman 2), Porter (clifford), Hunter (Lighting McQueen), Josh (Grim Ripper)

Hunter's Lighting McQueen was a hit with Porter. McQueen is Porter's favorite race car.
Lance as Spiderman

We really enjoy going down to Tera's house for the Halloween party. It is so fun seeing how all the kids play with each other. Lexi loves to follow Amber around and I hope that Amber will continue to enjoy being followed.

1 comment:

DMom said...

I wish I had something that cute to blog about but Kent won't put on a spiderman outfit. He only wears the church, running, and hanging out costumes, a.k.a- white shirt, suit, and tie; shorts and t-shirt; Levis and t-shirt (hopefully not the same one he ran in). Looks like he and Phil have a lot in common.